Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My visit to an Astrologer

I met with Astrologer Mavis Klein this week for a consultation.

From her background as a counsellor and psychotherapist Mavis has a presentation style which encourages reflection and she has a way with words which I found stimulating and inspiring.  Simply in terms of reflecting on the past and wondering about the future I found the session engaging and I left the consultation feeling upbeat and with a more creative as well as positive state of mind.

I was presented with charts on my date of birth, the previous year and the coming year – as well as detailed summaries of all the transits for last year and 2011-12.  She was able to explain the motion of planets with these in a very animate way so that I had an impression of movement and change rather than of something which is static.  And if change is inevitable then why shouldn’t it be positive?

From a non-astrological perspective I found the process of thinking “this is me .... this is what’s past ... this is what my future could be like” helped me focus on myself as learning from experience rather than simply being affected by it.  Especially as the whole context of the consultation was in terms of relationships, with others, career, ideals and myself.

From an astrological perspective I like the idea of exploring that things can happen in cycles, and especially that some cycles are especially long.  If patterns are likely to repeat then do I want to?  Or would I rather change my behaviour or my attitude?  I could sense systemic and Transactional Analysis models fitting in quite nicely at this stage.

Mavis looked very closely at long-term transits, and one product of this was that I started feeling that ay phases I was going through would take time.  I found that I was rediscovering my patience, and that Mavis’ wit and humour was very encouraging.

My meeting with Mavis was the first time I’ve experienced astrology as a time for reflection and orientation, and I can see how doing this regularly would be more beneficial than a single consultation that simply confirms “what I’m like.”

Mavis has a very engaging website at www.milkywaybooks.co.uk

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